Ifyyiy : City & Oasis
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City & Oasis of Ifyyiy (Figuig)
. Preface
. Ifyyiy or Figuig the great history
. Theory of BC
. Period AD
. Period after the advent of Islam
. Period of French colonization
. Post-independence
ifyyiy or Figuig : the history
Ifyyiy is the name of the city and the oasis used by the At-ofyyiy or the people of the oasis until today.
Ifyyiy is the original and true and real name.
Like all of northern Africa and Morocco, the identity of the oasis is Amazigh.
Located in eastern Morocco, Ifyyiy (Figuig) is one of the oldest cities in the kingdom. Known for its climate semi - desert, date palms and countless Ighrmawn. Formerly, there were several Ighrmawn, but today only seven are still standing, including:
Aghrm At Aamr or Aghrm (Ksar) Hammam Foukani
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Aghrm At Watday or Aghrm (Ksar) Hammam Tahtani
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Aghrm At Nej or Aghrm (Ksar) Laabidate
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Aghrm At Lmiiz or Aghrm (Ksar) Lamiz
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Aghrm At Aaddi or Aghrm (Ksar) Loudaghir
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Aghrm At Slimane or Aghrm (Ksar) Oulad Slimane
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Who are virtually grouped in the same region and finally
Aghrm Iznayn or Aghrm (Ksar) Zenaga
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which is in the lower Ifyyiy or Figuig, separate from other Ighrmawn by "Jourf" high ground.
Ifyyiy or Figuig, the great history
We bring to our readers that dates from prehistoric times and are mentioned in the passage below, are still on the theories and research specialists in the history of the fossil.
Theory of BC
Between 429 year when the Vandals conquered North Africa and 636 when the Battle of Yarmouk took place, it was a certainty that the predominant religion was Christianity in Ifyyiy/Figuig.
After defeating the Byzantines in 636 during the Battle of Yarmuk, and since 645, the Muslims spread Islam to North Africa. Added to this is that Christian pilgrims Ifyyiy or Figuig have been influenced by the new religion, Islam, the pilgrimage to Jerusalem. It is the dawn of Islam in Ifyyiy/Figuig.
Period AD
Entre 429 l’an où les Vandales ont conquis le Nord de l’Afrique et 636 quand la bataille de Yarmouk a eu lieu, il eut une certitude que la religion prédominante à Ifyyiy or Figuig était le christianisme.
Après avoir vaincu les Byzantins lors de la bataille de Yarmouk, et depuis 645, les musulmans ont propagé l’Islam vers l’Afrique du Nord. A cela s’ajoute que pèlerins chrétiens de Ifyyiy or Figuig ont subi l’influence de la nouvelle religion ; L’Islam, lors du pèlerinage à Jérusalem. C’est l’aube de l’Islam à Ifyyiy or Figuig.
Period after the advent of Islam
6th century AH:
the region is subject under the authority of the dynasty led by Mouahidite Yacoub El Mansour AlMouahidi.
956 AH / 1549:
Sultan Muhammad Esâadi Alcheikh traps noble Ifyyiy to bring the city under his reign. These nobles were released after the intervention of mediators near the Sultan.
1061 AH / 1651
under the reign of Alawi, Sultan Bin Mohammed Sheriff engages in a fierce battle for the city to submit Figuig under his authority.
1089 AH / 1679:
Baya renewal of Ismail who ruled Morocco between 1084 and 1139 AH (1673-1727). Governors Figuig this time were resorting to oppression and tennaient Ifyyiy City with an iron fist, including Molay son of Sultan Abdul Malik in 1118 Hijra.
one of the most violent conflicts between Ighrmawn ends. Water sources were generally the cause of conflicts. At this year Aghrm (Ksar) Aljouaber disappears forever.
1299 AH / 1881:
the night of Wednesday, 10 Rabii Athani until noon, the French tried unsuccessfully to crush the resistance Ifyyiy who supported the Algerian resistance against the French. This battle took place at Zenaga instead Oussiaimane which sparked the victory figuiguis who have lost 30 martyrs and 18 wounded, against 129 deaths and 50 wounded in the French camp.
July 1883:
the Algerian resistant Bouamama found his place of birth (Hammam Foukani) Figuig in order to collect and reorganize his troops activists. This resistance is the work of the people of Ifyyiy or Figuig.
Period of French colonization
1321 AH / 1903:
General Oconor conducting an aggressive military partner against the inhabitants of the city Ifyyiy or Figuig. On June 9, this general bombing of the Aghrm (Ksar) Zenaga with 600 cannon fire, houses and date palms were destroyed. His arrogance led her to destroy the people to the dome of the mosque in the Jemaa. However, no resistance was reported.
1 August 1946:
King Mohammed V ordered the construction of the school which will have a role Annahda center management training. This property was supervised by the fire Alhaj Mohammed bin Frej.
March 2, 1956:
the independence of Morocco.
February 26, 1961:
the death of the late Majesty Mohammed V.
March 3, 1961:
Crown Prince Hassan II of Morocco becomes king.
October 1963:
between Algeria and Morocco modern war sands: Algeria refuses to go to Morocco its lands included in the territory of the occupying French. After this crisis the people of Ifyyiy or Figuig lost a considerable amount of their land and date palms.
March 1973:
Like other Moroccan cities, Ifyyiy/Figuig has experienced a wave of kidnapping abused by the state under the pretext that they supported the armed opposition
July 23, 1999:
Death of King Hassan II.
30 July 1999:
Crown Prince Mohammed VI becomes king of Morocco.
January 7, 2004:
creation of the Equity and Reconciliation Commission by order of king Mohammed VI. This commission is not justice, but its purpose is to reconcile the people and to compensate victims of past events. The Ifyyiy city is among the cities that were included in this program.
29 and 30 January 2005:
hearing listening to the testimonies of victims and suffering.
Ifyyiy or Figuig pages
Several information available about Ifyyiy or Figuig and in several languages